Ani Boland “Fortunate is anyone who discovers their vocation! Whenever I do confectionery I feel happy! I manage to express my creativity and develop in what gives me the most pleasure. I started my career 6 years ago from my home kitchen. Through my...
Anna Pavlova She began her professional career at HRC Culinary Academy (2010-2013) under the tutelage of Chef KrisZysk, Chef EduardoCorthers and Chef Robin Villarreal. She then went to Amsterdam, Netherlands for an internship and then to Arlington, Virginia, United...
Kristiyan Pashov HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY” EOOD, city of Varna, Chef at Hotel “Metropol” PRODUCTION PRACTICE COOK-TRAINEE – RESTAURANT-WINERY “Di Vine”, city of Varna, July-September 2015.trainee chef – National Exhibition...
Lyubomir Radanov Lyubomir Lyubomirov Radanov is a student of the 12th grade at the Professional High School of Tourism ”Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov”, Sofia. Varna and for the short time of his studies he has earned:- second place in the internal round...
Krasimir Banaliev 12th grade student at the Vocational High School of Tourism Prof. Dr. “Asen Zlatarov” Varna National competition “Best young chef of BHRA” – first place – KK St. Constantine and Elena Grand Hotel Varna –...