Tony Ivanov

Tony Ivanov

Tony Ivanov Education: 2003-2007-Vocational Bachelor Tourism-Burgas1991-1994-SPTU in OX “Raina Knyaginya” Stara Zagora   Professional Experience: 1999-2000- p- Forum, Stara Zagora2000-2003 “Sheraton Frankfurt”, Germany2003-2008...
Simona Kostadinova

Simona Kostadinova

Simona Kostadinova Simona Kostadinova is a student in the tenth grade of the Vocational High School of Tourism Prof. Dr. “Asen Zlatarov” in Varna and works as a cook at Grifid Hotel Vistamar – Sky Restaurant Pragur In the competition “Zero no...
Vanya Tsvetkova and Ekaterina Vasileva

Vanya Tsvetkova and Ekaterina Vasileva

Vanya Tsvetkova and Ekaterina Vasileva Vanya Tsvetkova and Ekaterina Vasileva – founders of the creative culinary arts concept “ISHTAH” (thirst, appetite, will, desire). To date, creative persons in the culinary idea of ​​CUBO Ribarski –...
Emre Ahmed

Emre Ahmed

Емре Ахмед Ученик 11-ти клас в Професионалната Гимназия по Туризъм Проф. Д-р „Асен Златаров“ гр.Варна  Първо място във вътрешен кърг на стезанието за ,,Най-добър млад готвач” на България  2019 г. Второ място в регионален кръг на състезанието за ,,Най-добър млад...
Plamen Petrov

Plamen Petrov

Plamen Petrov Plamen Petrov is a hereditary chef, and in 2008 he was ranked first for author’s cuisine. He is currently a Food trainer and head chef at the kitchen development department at “Happy”. He is the winner of almost all possible awards at...